Friday, October 18, 2013

Habilian Association should be nominated for brown noser of the year

  Imagine during WWII if there was a German "human rights" site [there was no internet then; but leave that aside] that cried for Nazi Germany and portrayed all the anti-Nazi partisan fighters as "terrorists." That German site is described as a "human rights" group that claims to be a "detabase of 17000 victims of terrorism in Germany" and to represent the "families of 17000 terror victims in Germany". Yet that site praises Adolf Hitler and uses terms like "great leadership like the furher,", among other praises. What would one think about calling that site a "human rights group?" Of course, obviously, it would be ridiculous to associate them with anything to do with human rights.
  Well, we have a site that is hypocritical in that same manner. It is called the Habilian Association. Already on their English site, they publicly praise Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the founding father of Iran's terror regime. They use terms like "great leadership like Imam Khomeini." Yet they get referred to as a human rights group, despite enthusiastically supporting one of the world's most Fundamentalist terrorist theocracies in the world. For instance, on a page that got 199,506 views, Habilian Association gets described as "NGO supporting human rights. It is dedicated to families who have lost members due western- supported terrorist groups, such as the People's Mujahedin of Iran (Mujahedin-e Khalq MEK). They believe that the "Islamic Republic of Iran has been the biggest victim of terrorism", recording the names of over 17,000 innocent victims of violence, with 12,000 killed by the People’s Mujahedin of Iran "terrorist cult"."
Nejat Society, another group of former MEK members, who get paid by Iran's regime to spread disinformation about the MEK, claims that:
Habilian association is a non-government and cultural organization, which has been formed to represent Iranian  victims of terrorism. The terrorist case in Iran has been recorded names of 16000 innocent victims, which is a clear evidence on radical group’s violence and a historic and unassailable document in order to prove this fact that our country has been biggest terrorism victim in 20th century.
 Yea, Iran is the victim of terrorism. Never mind Iran's constant terrorism in Iraq or Iran's terror war against Israel. Never mind Iran's support for terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah. Never mind Iran and its proxy Hezbollah and their role in helping Butcher Assad to gas his own people in Syria. Never mind any of that. You see. It's Israel, America, the West, and the MEK that are to blame.
Clearly, the Habilian Association is not a human rights group. Even their English language website publicly praises Ayatollah Khomeini. The bottom line is that while claiming to be a human rights group, they publicly support the Khomeinist regime and don't condemn their atrocities. Yet they're active in Iran's disinformation campaign against opposition groups such as the MEK. But if the MEK is so bad and Iran is so innocent, then why do we see the MEK committing the terror attacks? Contrary to Iranian disinformation, there is NO evidence of the MEK planning terror attacks. The heroic people of Camp Ashraf have been nothing but cooeprative with US-led forces. They handed their weapons over to the US-led coalition. The MEK even denounced violence back in 2001. But Iran is committing the terror attacks and is building nuclear weapons for their Jihadist ambitions.
  So clearly, when one looks at the Habilian Association website, you've got to admit that they deserve the brown nose award of the year. Out of the former MEK members, who claim to represent human rights when they attack the MEK while crying crocodile tears for Iran's regime [they get paid by Iran's regime to spread disinformation to begin with]. I think the Habilian Association does the best job. Or more like the best job at revealing what they're all about; considering that the Habilian Association has no problem praising the Khomeinist regime on its English website, let alone on its Farsi website.

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