Monday, October 14, 2013

Hypocritical Khomeinist Iran did what it accused MEK of 12 years later

  According to Iranian disinformation, which comes from Tehran and its brown noser army [largely composed of former MEK members, who get paid to spew Tehran's lies], the MEK took part in Saddam Hussein's oppressive campaign against the Kurds and Shias back in 1991. Never mind that the claim has been discredited. But nevertheless, while Nazi-like Khomeinist Iran continues to be one of the world's biggest terrorist supporters and terror states and to build nuclear weapons for its Jihadist ambitions, the world gets distracted with disinformation claims made against the MEK. One of the major arguments from Tehran and its brown nose army against supporting the MEK is that they supposedly took part in Saddam's oppressive campaign against the Kurds and Shia. As Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda minister, said,"Tell a lie more than once. And eventually, people will believe it." That certainly is the case with this false accusation against the MEK.
  Now lets fast forward 12 years later to Syria, when Butcher Assad, dictator of Syria, gassed his own people like what Saddam did to his people in the 1980s. Yet since Assad had an alliance with Iran, Iran and its proxy Hezbollah supported Butcher Assad when he gassed his own people. Assad largely acted as a proxy of Iran. And Iran and its proxy Hezbollah supported Assad when he gassed his own people. In fact, Iran and Hezbollah have fought alongside Assad while he was murdering men, women, and children. So once again, Iran did what it accused the MEK of supposedly doing in 1991. And the former MEK members, who brown nose Iran's regime for cash, continue promoting this hypocracy. They are silent when it comes to Iran's human rights violations; but they'll denounce the MEK and spew out claims from Iran's disinformation campaign. The allegation of the MEK taking part in Saddam's oppressive campaign in 1991 continues to be a major argument against supporting the MEK and for brown nosing Iran.
   While the MEK gets denounced for something they didn't do, many react diffierently when it came to Iran and Hezbollah helping Assad to butcher his people. Instead, we heard excuses for Iran. Iran was excused with the claim that they were victims of chemical weapon attacks back in the 1980's, even though Iran brought much of those chemical weapon attacks on themselves [not defending Saddam, who was wrong to use them as his weapon of choice]. For in 1982, Iraq offered Iran a cease fire. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the founding father of Iran's terror regime, rejected the cease fire. The reason why Khomeini rejected the cease fire was because he wanted to export his Jihadist ideology to other countries in the Middle East [and ultimately around the world]. As Iran's regime stated then, "the road to Jerusalem goes through Karbalah." In order words, destroying Israel and replacing it with a Khomeinist Muslim theocracy goes through transforming Iraq into a Muslim theocracy. As a result, millions more people died. But nevertheless, too many people continue to brown nose the Islamic Republic of Iran. So that historical fact gets omitted.
   In addition to Iran and its proxy Hezbollah supporting Assad in gassing his own people, after Russia, another supporter of Butcher Assad's oppressive campaign against his people, came out with a survival deal after the world scolded Assad for using chemical weapons instead of conventional weapons as his weapon of choice to murder innocent people, Assad, behind the world's back, handed over much of chemical weapons to Hezbollah. The world was silent about that. But if Saddam ever handed over his chemical weapons to the MEK, we'd know how the IRI brown nosers would react.
     So once again, Iran is guilty of doing what it accused MEK of. Iran and its brown nosers [especially former MEK members, who brown nose Khomeinist Iran in the name of human rights], accuse the MEK of taking part in Saddam's oppressive campaign against the Kurds and Shias. But in reality, 12 years later, Iran and its proxy Hezbollah, took part in another Baathist dictator's oppression of his people; Butcher Assad's oppressive campaign, which included the use of chemical weapons on innocent civilians.


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